Networking - IP Addresses

Tinlok provides high-level immutable wrappers for IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, which can be used everywhere an IP address is used.

Al IP addresses inherit from the IPAddress class, which provides a version and a family field (see Networking - Enums), as well as the representation field which contains the raw ByteString representation.


To create a new IPv4Address, you can use the helper companion object methods:

val ip = IPv4Address.of("")
// esoteric!
val decimalIp = IPv4Address.of(3226568228U)
assert(decimalIp.toString() == "")


To create a new IPv6Address, you can use the helper companion object methods:

val ip = IPv6Address.of("2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fedb:76b6")
assert(ip.toString() == "2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fedb:76b6")


IPv6 stringification uses the output format as specified by RFC 5952, not the canonical output.

IPv6 address parsing supports all forms of valid IPv6 address textual representation.

Changed in version 1.3.0: 1.3.0 onwards uses a pure-Kotlin IPv6 parser, rather than a dependency provided one.