A note on stability

Tinlok provides zero stability guarantees. Public APIs can, and will, change between minor or very minor releases.

At some point in the future, a Stable annotation may be introduced to designate APIs that are sufficiently stable that they will get a deprecation cycle instead of being ripped out.

Tinlok versioning

Tinlok follows my own versioning scheme which prioritises API soundness over the arbitrary notion of API stability. One day, somebody could decide behaviour you depend on is actually a bug and break it and it would be perfectly fine under most versioning schemes, and eventually everyone ends up with Chrome versioning anyway, so I just skip all the way to breaking things.

Tinlok version numbers consist of three parts:

  • Major version number

    • The first number. This increments when either a) no reasonable program will be compatible with the changes within or b) whenever I want to.

  • Minor version number

    • The second number. This increments every feature release.

  • Very minor version number

    • The third number. This increments to do bug fixes and other boring work.

This sounds terrible

I don’t care. Why are you using alpha software if you care about stability, anyway?